James R. Kanik, Calcium Trail
Kanik Trail.JPG

The James R. Kanik trail is named after the Development Authority’s first chairman and executive director. The trail is 2.2 miles long and is built in the Army Sewer Line right-of-way. It parallels U.S. Route 11 near the hamlet of Calcium and has two well-marked access points and parking lots at either end.

The trail is open for year-round public use, free of charge. No motorized vehicles are permitted. Trail exer station 2.JPG

Five exercise stations available along the trail to increase recreational options for those who use the trail. The stations each have a different set-up and combination of metal bars, and signs posted at each site demonstrate how to use the equipment. Special ground cover absorbs impacts and provides handicapped accessiblity.

Download Calcium Nature Trail Map [PDF]